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Monday, 28 May 2012

You won't feel a thing

Dress, Bag & Necklace | H&M
Shoes | Topshop
Jacket | New Look

Saturday, 19 May 2012


Thanks to the ones who commented on my last post, my "dilema" was regarding my job but in the end of that things ended well :) , anyway wanted to show my latest outfit that I wore apart from my flat hair I really liked this outfit ! Sorry its a quick post just back from work and wanted to show you my outfit, now I'm off to get something to eat and watch the voice, hope your having a good weekend :) x

Parka |
Dress| Primark
Shirt | Gap
Bag | Primark
Feather Hair Clip | Topshop (sale)
Shoes | Topshop
Necklace (says "Saggitarius") | New Look

Thursday, 17 May 2012

American Apparel "Lopez Canyon"

Although quite pricey for £7.00 a pop, I absolutely love the formulation on this nail polish, its so thick and creamy and leaves a 'nice' glossy finish, its my first AA nail polish but hopefully not my last ! bought this when I was in Camden back in February and thought this colour was pretty unique, its like a burnt orange with some red undertones and currently on day three and not a chip in sight :)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

A peacefulness follows any decision.....

"A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong one." 
~Rita Mae Brown

One thing I hate facing in life is making major decisions that has a big impact on me , but as I get older, anxiety seems to grow stronger, I really hope this is just a small phase and the decision that I make is a good one and that I don't regret it,  I really want to say what it is but I can't at the moment so when the right time comes all will be revealed guys :), I really liked this quote  and has helped me so I thought I would include it in this and I hope its inspires others who read it as well..

Enough of that and on to the outfit...

Went out for dinner and the cinema with some friends to catch up, nice to hear different opinions when your find trouble making decisions !, went to Nandos as per usual and went to see American Pie the Reunion, I haven't seen the previous ones but I don't think you would need to anyway. I opted for something comfy yet dressy to wear because I know I'd be sitting in the same spot for a while in the cinema ! I've really been enjoying recycling my wardrobe and wear really old things and finding new ways to wear them recently?  has anybody else been doing that ?

Shirt | Primark (old)
Skirt | H&M
Necklace | H&M
Shoes | Topshop
Shamballa Bracelet | London Markets 
Bangles | H&M

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


The weathers been so crap lately so my outfits are mostly taken indoors :( like I've said to most my customers you wouldn't think this was May ! Please let Summer 2k12 happen ! That aside my outfit today has been very versatile and comfy while running some errands I thought I would wear my new Converse for the first time and I love them ! If you watch my Youtube videos you know I was deliberating whether to get Converse or Vans whilst my friends were saying to get Vans, a lot of you were saying get Converse so I just went with my instincts and bought the Converses in Mint green ! :) (thank you all for your suggestions) I got mines Via which arrived in good timing I have to say. 

Top | Zara (Old)
Super Soft Black Jeans | Primark !
Bag | Primark (on the hunt or a summer bag suggestions ?) 
Coverse |
Chocker Necklace | H&M

I love the colour of them, they look so summery and I know I'll get a lot of use out of them this summer and they are actually so versatile ! Ive also heard stories of how long they've lasted on people which I'm hoping mines will do too! I thought the best way to wear them was very plain outfits like this one today so my converse would stand out nicely :)

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Rose Gold Gear : )

In the recent months the need for rose gold jewellery has rose (no pun intended) and now you can see them everywhere from bags to clothes, as well as Jewellery which it is most popular with. I love the colour of rose gold, if worn properly I think it can look very chic ! I have yet to acquire any of the famous Zara bags with Rose gold hardware but I do have some Beauties from H&M and Accessorize :), I love buying Jewellery from H&M  when they bring out the Good stuff its usually bang on "trend" and love how simplistic yet versatile their jewellery whilst not breaking the bank ! I found my little peace bangle in Accessorize and loved that fact it matched with my little rose gold collection.

Chocker & Plain Bangle | H&M
Peace Bracelet | Accessorize

Have you found any little gems lately?


Thursday, 3 May 2012

Top Knotch

Cant believe I haven't posted in over a month ! where does the time go and were already in May, I never going to be going at time management, anyway the weather can add to disappearance of my posts ! haha, enjoying my day off for once doing nothing and watching videos and reading blogs on the pc ! ( I will be a MAC girl someday) which is usually what I do on a Sunday but as i working on Sunday this can be the day !

I thought I would share my recent outfit post, just a typical day of running errands, had to tie my hair up because of the wind which I usual don't do because I don't like my hair up but rather that then hair up my face !, I did wear my trusty faux leather jacket with this because of the chilly weather and atm all I seem to want to wear is black ! ( I'm defo a winter girl at heart ) need to get me some summer inspiration.  You cant really tell because of my top knot but I've temporarily dyed my obmre a medium brown colour just for a bit of change but I haven't completely gone off my ombre as it'll come back after the dye washed off.

Top | Primark
Skirt |  Primark
Boots | a Shoe boutique in Westfields stratford?
Bag | A|Wear Old
Necklace | H&M
Red Bracelet | Pandora